Key Figures From Across Political, Spiritual, Business and Military Sectors Speak Up On UK Aid

Following media speculation that the UK Government was considering reducing the UK’s international development budget, the Coalition for Global Prosperity brought together a wide ranging group of high profile figures who all spoke on the importance of maintaining the UK aid budget.

Lord Rowan Williams, Former Archbishop of Canterbury

The UK Government's commitment to international aid has been a beacon for other countries, reminding them that the suffering and struggle of poorer nations and vulnerable groups is *everyone's* issue. The last few month have shown this to be true with renewed clarity. This is the worst possible time to step back from our leadership in this area, and I urge government to think again before abandoning our promises

Harun Khan, Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Great Britain

The UK aid budget has helped restore lost hope for millions who face injustice, suffering, and uncertainty. We should stand in solidarity with our sisters and brothers who are in need, and not withdraw our support during a pandemic when our aid is needed mos

Rt Hon Gordon Brown, Former UK Prime Minister (2007-10)

If we can’t help the African nations who are facing [COVID] with the equipment they need and hopefully, over time, the vaccinations that they need, COVID will come back through to this country.

[Speaking to Sky News, 19th November 2020]

Lt General (Retd) Phil Jones CB CBE DL

Development supports defence and diplomacy. The UK’s global influence is best when combining defence, aid and trade to help those who need it most and protect us from emerging threats in the future. Now is not the time to cut the aid budget.

Rt Rev Bishop Alan Williams, SM and Archbishop of Brentwood

The UK aid budget has helped restore lost hope for millions who face injustice, suffering and uncertainty. We should stand in solidarity with our sisters and brothers who are in need, and not withdraw our support during a pandemic when our aid is needed most.

Dominic McVey, Entrepreneur

UK aid helps pave the way for UK business and entrepreneurs to access new and developing markets. This not only benefits the UK but brings prosperity and opportunity to some of the most isolated communities. Cutting back UK aid now would be hugely damaging to Global Britain.


Dominic McVey: For the sake of British Business we must maintain our aid budget - here's why


Roundtable with US Congress