Our Mission
The Coalition for Global Prosperity brings together political, military, business and faith leaders who believe that an effective development budget, alongside an active diplomatic and defence strategy, keeps Britain at the forefront of saving lives, alleviating poverty and bringing freedom, security and prosperity to those who need it most.
At a time when the UK's role in the world is being redefined, Britain is at its best when it acts as a global leader in development as well as in defence and diplomacy. With a smart and effective aid budget, which leverages British expertise, the UK can transform lives.
British leadership in development is not just about our values, and doing what is right, it is also about making the world a better place for all of us. UK Aid makes the world safer, because it stops epidemics like Ebola and Zika from spreading and helps resolve conflict and build democracies. It makes the world healthier, because it develops new tools to prevent and treat diseases such as malaria, and invests in projects to provide essential services such as clean water to poor families. And it helps make people across the world better off, by giving people in poorer countries the skills and resources they need to stand on their own two feet - spreading economic opportunity and producing trading partners for Britain in the future.
The Coalition brings together a wide coalition of aid supporters, with backgrounds from across the military, faith, business and political communities.
The Coalition launched in June 2018 with the Rt Hon David Cameron and Secretary of State for International Development, the Rt Hon Penny Mordaunt MP.
The Coalition for Global Prosperity is a non-partisan, not-for-profit organisation.
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