Global Perceptions of the United Kingdom on the World Stage
17 October 2022
The Coalition for Global Prosperity conducted polling in two stages and of two different audiences with the aim of finding out how the UK was perceived on the world stage and also by checking how optimistic respondents were about the future of their country. First, using a sample of 1300 adults across the United States we polled adults from a representative mix of gender, age, race and political backgrounds. We first asked about the optimism they felt about the future of their country. The next questions looked at how dependable they saw other G7 allies on the world stage. The UK was ranked against Japan, Germany, France, Canada and Italy on areas of how reliable they felt each country was and which country they see as most committed to standing up for democratic values.
The second phase of the polling focused on three African nations - Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa - where we polled a representative sample of gender and age group. Again, we began with asking about optimism about the future of their country. In this poll, we then asked respondents how much attention they felt the UK, US and China pay to the priorities and interests of their country and the wider region. Following this, we then asked how much importance they felt the UK, US and China placed on the relationship with their country. Respondents were then asked whether they believed the United Kingdom or China shared the values of their country more before asking which country they saw as being more committed to standing up for democratic values out of the G7 and China.
Some highlights from this poll are below and you can read the full Global Britain Report here.
Fieldwork Dates: 24-30 June 2022 | Conducted by YouGov